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Membership in the Alligator Point\St. Teresa Association (APSTA), provides you with an association whose sole mission is to maintain and, if possible, improve the east end of Franklin County within the Alligator Point/St. Teresa Fire District. That area includes Alligator Point, Bald Point, Bay North and St. Teresa.

Membership joins you with other property owners as we continue to provide an effective voice before the various councils of local, state, and federal government.

  • APSTA is working with Franklin county to assure the continued delivery of needed services including; emergency medical, police, and fire services. Also, road maintenance, trash pick up and other necessary government services.
  • APSTA monitors the taxing authorities and provides representation at state and local meetings when necessary.
  • APSTA actively interacts directly with the Franklin Co. Sheriff, his Area Captain, and deputies concerning crime prevention, reporting of crimes, parking/traffic/speeding enforcement, and other issues of concern to our community.

To help keep you informed about issues, events, and happenings in the Community, check out our newly expanded Facebook page “Alligator Point Neighborhood Association – APSTA” and website: Officers and Board members can be contacted via email listed on the “Board Members” page. In addition, you are welcome to attend our monthly Board meetings at 10:00 am on the second Saturday of each month at the Mission-by-the-Sea Church.

Please consider completing the membership form (see link below) and become an active participant in the association. Members must be property owners or their family members within our service area to qualify for membership. Single vote per property owner, multiple parcels with same owner still receive one vote. Please be sure you have included your e-mail contact information, as we will from time to time issue email updates / notifications regarding important issues.

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